Zhejiang good steamed fang food co., ltd

Headed by immersion m, but tao, and then will be ground into powder, pressing to dry, with pork fat, sugar and stuffing, on the steamer fermented later on, the final step in steaming three quarter of an hour, in the end for the finished product.

Soak rice - take quality glutinous rice, japonica rice Yu Qingshui, daily change water, spring and summer, autumn and winter six days shall prevail

Taomee - also known as leaching, put to find the best rice soaked in basket, together with clear water flushing to its peculiar smell

For powder, flour mill - as the name m each 5 meters on the stone mill the granite, with a bowl of water rate, ground into a fine powder

Press - will fine powder in the powder bag and then in the board under the squeezing, time just ran the dehydration to powder

And filling with fresh pork, rice, sugar, wine fat to formula ratio in a wooden bowl mix until all oar paste

Irrigation cage - with a spoon for filling in the steamer, then make its hands of the paving

Memory of drinking water, fermentation, furnace on the steamer in, through the fire to steamed sponge cake now pinhole. In case of winter with micro hot later on, for the yeast

Steaming -- over HongYan three hour or so can be released

Finished product - eventually take cage steamed sponge cake, the reed reed, so beautiful, but the packaging, packing for finished products